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Northwest Fly Anglers   

A Family Oriented Fly Fishing Club

Constitution Revision

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  • April 19, 2018 2:36 PM
    Message # 6111551

    This is the place for discussing the proposed changes to the constitution. 

    Files attached for download and review.  Proposed Revisions below:




    Proposed Text

    Article I

    No Change


    Article II

    No Change


    ·       Para 1

    No Change


    ·       Para 2

    No Change


    ·       Para 3

    No Change


    ·       Para 4

    No Change


    ·       Para 5

    No Change


    Article III



    ·       Para 1

    No Change


    ·       Para 2 (a)

    No Change


    ·       Para 2 (b)

    Do away with the use of place of residence as a determiner of who can be an active member.  Place of residence is not as important a factor in club participation as it used to be.  There are currently a number of active members regularly attending outings who do not live locally.

    An active member enjoys voting privileges. 

    ·       Para 2 (c)

    We do not need an Associate Member category.


    ·       Para 2 (d)

    Proposed changes based on change to P Para 2(c). 

    Voting members should be adults.

    ·      Renumber as Paragraph 2 (c)

    ·       Revise text to read, “Family Memberships may be extended to immediate family members of Active Members living at a common address.  Each family member, 18 and over, may cast one vote.”

    ·       Para 3

    Delete. Text becomes extraneous based on the changes in  Paragraph 2(d)


    ·       Para 4

    Becomes Paragraph 3.

    We only have active and family members.

    The process for revising the fees is unclear.  Change from “established by the membership” to “established in the bylaws”

    Each member shall be liable for a onetime initiation fee and annual dues as established in the bylaws in the section entitled “Membership Committee”

    Article IV



    ·       Para 1

    No Change


    ·       Para 2 (a)

    No Change


    ·       Para 2 (b)

    The limitations section creates problems. 

    ·       It takes a almost a full term for the president to climb his/her learning curve and then the club looses that institutional knowledge

    ·       It is difficult every year to find members willing to serve as president or vice-president


    The proposed text recognizes that there should be term limits but the existing term limits are too short.  The proposed text allows for the officers to serve more than one term but still protects the club from the establishment of an entrenched executive.

    Limitations:  The President shall not be elected to that office in three consecutive years.  Moreover, members shall not serve in either the office of President and/or the office of Vice-President more than four years in any consecutive six-year period.

    2 files
    Last modified: April 19, 2018 2:38 PM | Anonymous member
  • April 19, 2018 2:36 PM
    Reply # 6111552 on 6111551

    ·       Para 3 (a), (i)

    No Change


    ·       Para 3 (a), (ii)

    No Change


    ·       Para 3 (a), (iii)

    No Change.

    NOTE:  The club is not following the Bylaws Section 3, Para 3.  This section of the Bylaws, which is extremely constraining, will be discussed in the proposed revisions to the Bylaws


    ·       Para 3 (b), i

    No Change


    ·       Para 3 (b), ii

    No Change


    ·       Para 4 (a)

    No Change


    ·       Para 4 (b)

    The club meetings are primarily social events.  Most of the discussion and give and take in the meetings is informal and does not and should not need to follow Roberts Rules of Order.  Revise the text to recognize this by adding the qualifier “formal” to All business.

    All formal business at regular club meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

    ·       Para 5

    Revise the formatting so that header for Paragraph 5 is formatted the same as the other Paragraphs.  The subject of the paragraph needs to be added.  Begin the text on its own line

    Paragraph 5. Annual Budget

    An Annual Budget shall be adopted … as specified in the bylaws.

    ·       Para 6 (a)

    No Change


    ·       Para 6 (b)

    No Change


    Article V



    ·       Para 1

    No Change


    ·       Para 2 (a)

    No Change


    ·       Para 2 (b)

    The text should be clarified to minimize confusion.  Add the clause “...of the members present at the meeting.” to the last sentence.

    The formation of a committee to amend the Constitution must be approved at a regular meeting by a two-thirds majority of the members present at the meeting.

    ·       Para 2 (c)

    This section is outdated.

    ·       It does not recognize nor allow for the use of the club’s website, email or other social media for communications with the membership.

    ·       There are times when the club newsletter does not come out on a monthly basis.

    ·       There are at least 2 months a year, July and December, when the club does not have a monthly meeting

    The membership shall be notified of proposed amendments by current technology at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.    If there is a club meeting the month preceding the meeting at which they are to be considered then an announcement of the proposed amendments should be made at that meeting. 

    ·       Para 2 (d)

    The language is unclear and limiting as to how the voting may be accomplished.

    Constitutional amendments proposed to the membership by the chair of such a committee shall require approval by a two-thirds majority of the membership voting.

    ·       Para 2 (e)

    This section is outdated and should be revised to allow those members who are unable to participate in the actual onsite vote to submit their vote to the secretary.

    Members need not be present a regular club meeting in order to vote on proposed constitutional amendments.  If unable to attend, a member’s vote must be received by the secretary no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting for inclusion in the total vote.

    ·       Para 2 (f)

    No Change


    ·       Para 2 (g)

    No Change


  • April 19, 2018 2:41 PM
    Reply # 6111570 on 6111551

    Redlined Constitution:



    ARTICLE I Name

    This organization shall be known as the NORTHWEST FLY ANGLERS.

    ARTICLE II Purposes The purposes for which the organization is formed are:

    Paragraph 1. To pursue and encourage others to pursue, the art and science of angling with a fly.
    Paragraph 2. To engage in and organize for others educational activities in support of increased competence in the sport;
    Paragraph 3. To seek to maintain and improve, the environmental quality of game-fish waters, thereby protecting and conserving game-fish stocks in Washington waters;
    Paragraph 4. To pursue actively the setting aside of waters for fly-only fishing;
    Paragraph 5. To support and cooperate with those conservationist organizations whose activities are in agreement with the aims of this organization.

    ARTICLE III Membership:

    Paragraph 1. There shall be no limit set upon the size of the membership of the organization, since such limitation would be inconsistent with the club’s aim of encouraging others to engage in fly fishing.
    Paragraph 2. Definitions and Classes of Membership;

    (a) A member is one who meets all the conditions of eligibility prescribed by the bylaws in the section entitled “Membership Committee.”
    (b) A
    n Active member enjoys voting privileges and is one whose place of residence allows the member’s regular or frequent participation in club activities.
    An Associate Member is one without voting privileges and whose place of residence is sufficiently distant as to preclude regular or frequent participation in club activities.
    Family Memberships may be extended to immediate family members of either Active or Associate Members living at a common address of a member and shall carry corresponding voting privileges.   Each family member, 18 and over, may cast one vote.

    Paragraph 3. Membership of whatever class shall be limited to persons fourteen years of age and older who pursue an interest in angling with a fly.

    Paragraph 4. Each member, of every class, shall be liable for a onetime initiation fee and annual dues as established by the membership in the bylaws in the section titled Membership Committee.

    ARTICLE IV Organization:

    Paragraph 1. The authority for policy decisions shall reside solely with the membership. Officers of the club shall be responsible for the organization and conduct of meetings and for the execution of such tasks as required to implement club policies.
    Paragraph 2. Officers

    (a) Officers of the club are members in good standing, and shall consist of President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer with duties as specified in the Bylaws.

    (b) Limitations: The President shall not be elected to that office in two three consecutive years. Moreover, members shall not serve in either or both of the offices of the office of President and/or the office of Vice-President more than two four years in any consecutive five six-year period.

    Paragraph 3. Committees;

    (a) Standing committees: The following are perpetual and have both membership and duties as specified in the Bylaws.

    i) Steering Committee
    ii) Nominating Committee
    iii) Membership Committee

    (b) Other Committees;

    i) Other standing committees in addition to those named in Article IV, Paragraph 3 (a) shall be formed to conduct the business and activities of the club, and these are specified in the Bylaws.
    ii) Special committees shall be formed from time to time at the discretion of the President to undertake necessary tasks. The chairs of such committees will appoint additional members as needed.

    Paragraph 4. Meetings:

    (a) For the purpose of carrying out the aims of the club, meetings will be held as specified in the Bylaws.
    (b) All
    business at regular club meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

    Paragraph 5. Annual Budget:

    An Annual Budget shall be adopted by the membership, and such budget shall be developed and administered as specified in the Bylaws.

    Paragraph 6. Elections:

    (a) Election of club officers shall be held annually with officers-elect holding office for twelve months thereafter.
    (b) Midyear vacancies in elective offices shall be filled by appointment of the President, subject to ratification by the membership.

    ARTICLE V Constitution:

    Paragraph 1. The Constitution establishes the policies of the club.

    Paragraph 2. Constitutional Amendments;

    (a) Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed only by a special committee formed for that purpose.
    (b) The formation of a committee to amend the Constitution must be approved at a regular meeting by a two-thirds majority
    of the members present at the meeting.
    Announcements of proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be published in the club bulletin and announced at the regular club meeting preceding the meeting at which they are to be considered. The complete text of proposed amendments shall be made available to the membership upon request.  The membership shall be notified of proposed amendments by current technology at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.  If there is a club meeting the month preceding the meeting at which they are to be considered, then an announcement of the proposed amendments shall be made at that meeting.

    (d) Constitutional amendments proposed to the membership by the chair of such a committee shall require approval by a two-thirds majority of the membership voting.  membership using the “show of hands” method as recorded by the Secretary.
    (e) Members need not be present at a regular club meeting in order to vote on proposed Constitutional amendments. If unable to attend, a member’s vote on the issue
    may be submitted by mail to the Secretary for inclusion in the total vote must be received by the secretary no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting for inclusion in the total vote count
    (f) The President may appoint a parliamentarian to assist in the conduct of the debate.
    (g) No repeal of the Bylaws shall permit the Steering Committee to remove the policy-making authority from the membership.

  • April 19, 2018 2:42 PM
    Reply # 6111575 on 6111551

    Please everyone, lets move forward with a mutually respectful discussion of the proposed changes.

  • April 19, 2018 2:48 PM
    Reply # 6111579 on 6111551

    To kick off the discussion:

    Operations of the club have been hamstringed by the limitations and wording in the Constitution.  No updates have been made since the clubs inception.  When it was created, we had no internet, email or cell phones.  Most of the changes are to bring the document into the 21 century, bring it up to date in terms of communication and terminology.  
    Lets here what you have to say.

  • April 20, 2018 6:27 AM
    Reply # 6112416 on 6111551

    Changes all seem logical and well thought out. As a "long distance" member I appreciate that the club recognizes those of us who enjoy the company of this club, but don't reside close enough to attend the regular meetings. I fully intend to continue to support the group by attending outings whenever possible and to host outings as well. Thanks to those willing to work on the mundane tasks of keeping the club functioning smoothly.

  • April 23, 2018 11:17 AM
    Reply # 6116308 on 6111551

    Thanks Ron!  You're always close even when you're at home.  =)

  • April 25, 2018 9:52 PM
    Reply # 6120709 on 6111551

    Just found the location of your work on the Constitution. Thanks for organizing it so clearly. It's easy to read and make sense of.

    I'd like to offer an alternative idea for distinguishing formal and casual in the context used here. Without something, it is left up to "common sense" and we don't want to define common sense. At least not mine!

    Distinguish formal topics by requiring that the topic you want treated as formal is brought to the attention of members by an announcement published in the FlyPaper and on the website. The announcement must obviously be available in both media before it is discussed with the general meeting attendees. If a topic is not handled in this manner, then it will always be a casual topic. No common sense needed.

  • April 26, 2018 9:16 PM
    Reply # 6122141 on 6111551

    For some reason, not something I ate, inhaled or drank, I'm taking an interest in reading the constitution and the changes proposed. Can't wait to see the bylaws!

    Proposed 2d could be edited to say "Family Membership may be extended to immediate family members of any 'Active' member and shall carry corresponding voting privileges."

    The proposed 2d also adds... 18 and over, can vote 1 vote. This is more restrictive (age 18). I wonder, is that helpful?

    Existing Para 3 specifies that 'Membership' is limited to persons 14 or older. It could get moved into Para 2. It is unique to any in Para 2 now. The language is still useful, defining what age is charged for membership.

    Para 4 could become a new part of Para 2.

    Article IV is next.

  • April 27, 2018 5:24 PM
    Reply # 6123537 on 6111551

    Article IV Para 2(b) - IMHO, make the language for the President term allow three year terms. Let them decide how much time they can offer. But keep the total of years served at four years. Blame me if it becomes a mistake. LOL

    I'd like to thank the members who served on the Constitution and By Laws review committee. Obviously a lot of time has been spent and the need to have this done can not be understated as Matt M and Peter R said at different meetings. Then allowing the general membership to comment on the work is very much appreciated. My comments are only intended as another idea for the committee. Do anything you want with them. Thanks for making this review happen! Tight lines everyone.

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