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Northwest Fly Anglers   

A Family Oriented Fly Fishing Club

NFA Bylaw Modifications

  • September 24, 2018 12:00 PM
    Message # 6690267
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Most of the paragraphs in the Bylaws that have anything to do with voting say that the voting must be done at regular club meetings. In reality there is nothing to prevent voting from taking place over the internet using Wild Apricot. The platform provides for setting up polls to hold elections and survey the membership. Why not provide an option which allows the steering committee to decide if it wants to allow for the election or voting on measures to be accomplished on the internet? 

    Section III, paragraph 9(e) and section VII, paragraph 2(d) refer to the adult membership. What is the reason for only allowing adults to vote?

  • September 24, 2018 12:22 PM
    Reply # 6690310 on 6690267

    Brett, because we only have "Members" now and the juvenile members associated with a family membership are not allowed to vote. 

    Last modified: September 24, 2018 12:28 PM | Anonymous member
  • September 24, 2018 12:27 PM
    Reply # 6690312 on 6690267

    Here are the redlined bylaws to be voted on at the October Meeting.



    Operation of the Club Operation of the club shall be governed by a set of Bylaws, which establishes procedures for implementing the policy of the club.

    SECTION II. Officers

    Paragraph 1.

    The President shall preside at regular club meetings; shall appoint committee chairs as needed; and shall direct the other officers of the club in the discharge of club business.

    Paragraph 2.

    The Vice-president shall assume the duties of the President when absent and shall serve as chair of the Program Committee.

    Paragraph 3.

    The Treasurer shall have custody of all moneys of the club and shall deposit same in such banks as the officers of the club may designate; shall be responsible for billing and collecting club dues and fees; shall receive and expend funds as required for club functions; shall maintain an accurate accounting of moneys received and expended; shall assist the club officers in preparation of an annual budget for club operations; and shall maintain and control the club’s personal property.

    Paragraph 4.

    The Secretary shall have charge of such papers, documents and correspondence as the President dictates; shall maintain records of club meetings and activities; and in coordination with the web administrator(s) shall give notice of meetings and activities when required.

    The Secretary is responsible for working with the web administrator(s) to ensure that the NFA website’s structure and content is kept current and that it evolves as technology changes.

    The Secretary, in coordination with the web administrator(s), shall keep and post the Constitution and Bylaws on the website.  The Secretary, in coordination with the web administrator(s) and the newsletter editor, shall maintain electronic copies of past newsletters on the website.


    SECTION III.   Committees

    Paragraph 1. The Steering Committee

    (a) shall consist of:  The current officers; the immediate past president; and the chairpersons of the membership committee, the outings committee, the education committee, and the conservation committee.  The President may designate other active NFA members to be temporary members of the steering committee for the purpose of planning and coordinating club meetings, activities, and other functions of the club.  These temporary members of the Steering Committee can only serve through the term of the president who selected them.  The succeeding President can re-designate a temporary Steering Committee member.

     is composed of current officers, committee chairs and such other active members as the President may designate for the purpose of planning and coordinating club meetings, programs, activities and other functions of the club.

    (b) monitors and approves the expenditure of funds within the limits of the annual budget.

    (c) has the additional authority to establish incidental fees required of classes, workshops, fines, etc.

     Paragraph 2.   The Program Committee

    (a) is responsible for the preparation of programs for the regular monthly club meetings.

    (b) shall consist of a chair, the Vice-President, who may shall appoint one or more additional members.

     (c) shall coordinate with the Education Committee, the Outings Committee, and the Conservation Committee in regard to pre-meeting programs or activities and presentations during the meetings.

    Paragraph 3. The Membership Committee

    (a) The Membership Committee shall consist of a chair who may appoint one or more additional members.  be a three member standing committee which will serve staggered three year terms. Each President-elect shall name one member to this committee replacing a member whose term has expired.

    (b) The Membership Committee shall receive applications for membership in the club.

    (c) Names of applicants shall be forwarded by this committee to the editor of The Flypaper for publication prior to presentation of applicants for membership so that the members can comment to the committee regarding the acceptance or denial (for good cause) of applicants into membership.

    (d) When no written requests for denial of membership are received by the committee, the application(s) will be considered approved.

    (e) In the case of a written request(s) for membership denial, the committee will review the application(s) in question with the Steering Committee. Such application(s) will be found acceptable if at least two thirds of the Steering Committee present at the review so approve.

    (f) The Membership Committee shall coordinate with the Treasurer to assure that the initiation fee and annual dues have been paid by an applicant prior to such applicant’s name being published In The Flypaper. If an applicant is denied membership, the initiation fee and annual dues paid will be refunded in full.

    (g) Club applicants who have paid their initiation fee and annual dues shall be initiated into the club at the next regular club meeting.  The Membership Committee shall inform applicants as to the date for initiation.

    accepted for membership shall be initiated into the club, whenever possible, at the next regular club meeting following published notification in The Flypaper. The Membership Committee shall inform applicants as to the date for Initiation.

    (h) This committee shall work with the web administrator to maintain the membership record of current members and a directory of the club membership, which will be accessible to all members.

    maintain and cause to be published a current list of the club membership, assuring that the editor of The Flypaper, among others, receives such a list.

    (I) This committee shall maintain the membership record of current active, associate, and family members.

    (J) This committee will keep and distribute, as required, copies of the Constitution, the Bylaws, and additional items approved by the membership.

    Paragraph 4.  The Education Committee

    (a) shall consist of a chair, who may appoint one or more additional members.  shall appoint two or more members.

    (b) shall be responsible for the implementation of all educational activities such as the fly tying classes, rod making classes, fly casting classes, Sport Show presentations, and other related educational activities.

    (c) in coordination with the Vice-president, shall be responsible for the pre-meeting programs or activities conducted at regular club meetings.

    Paragraph 5.  The Nominating Committee

    (a) The Nominating Committee is composed of the three most recent past Presidents and shall be chaired by the immediate past President.  If one or more is unavailable then less recent past Presidents are eligible to be on the Nominating Committee and may be the selected by the current President.

    (b) The Nominating Committee shall nominate annually one or more candidates for each club office.

    (c) To the extent that this committee cannot be composed as indicated, the current President will name the member(s) thereof, subject to the constraint that no person so named may concurrently hold office in the club.

    Paragraph 6.  The Outings Committee

    (a) shall consist of a chair, who may appoint one or more additional members.  shall appoint two or more members.

    (b) shall plan, arrange, and encourage club member and guest participation in club outings and related activities.

    Paragraph 7.  The Hospitality Committee

    (a) shall consist of a chair, who may appoint one or more additional members.  shall appoint other members.

    (b) shall be responsible for organizing refreshments and greeting guests at the membership meetings. greeting guests at regular club meetings, visiting the ill, sending get- well cards, and other related duties.

    Paragraph 8.  The Conservation Committee

    (a) shall consist of a chair who may appoint one or more additional members. shall appoint other members.

    (b) shall be responsible for conservation projects, recommendations for fishery management, and advice to the membership concerning the state of the resource.

    Paragraph 9.  The Award Committee

    (a) This committee shall consist of a chair, who shall appoint one or more additional members.  other members.

    (b) This committee shall be responsible for selecting award recipients and presenting the awards at the December meeting unless otherwise stipulated.

    (c)  There shall be an award known as the Service Award, which will be presented to a member for outstanding contributions to the general public through the aims and purposes of the club. This award can but does not have to be made on an annual basis.  The Awards Committee shall select the recipient, who will receive the award at the December meeting.  The Awards Committee shall present the award at the December meeting.

    (d) There shall be an perpetual award known as the Award of Merit, a plaque of which will be presented to a member in good standing who has made outstanding contributions to the club’s activities and programs in the current year. This award may be presented by the preceding recipient. The club officers shall select the recipient who will receive the award at the December meeting.

    (e) There shall be an award known as the Dawn Holbrook Memorial Award. This is a lifetime achievement award given to an individual who has inspired others to grow in the art and science of angling with a fly. The individual generously shares skills, such as fly rod building, fly making, fly casting, and promotes education and conservation. The award will be presented the first year to an NFA member. Future nominations will be open to members of the NFA as well as nonmembers. Nominations for the award would be advertised with a cover letter and an application form, which would be sent to other fly fishing clubs each June. The Awards Committee, along with an NFA member(s) appointed by the President, would make the final decision on the recipient. This is not necessarily an annual award; rather it is a special award, given when appropriate. It will be a plaque in the shape of the NFA logo, and include the symbol, a Needle Fly Nymph, with the wording, DAWN HOLBROOK MEMORIAL AWARD, PRESENTED BY THE NORTHWEST FLY ANGLERS TO ______, FOR DEDICATION TO THE ART AND SCIENCE OF ANGLING WITH A FLY. (DATE). The President shall present the award at the December meeting.

    (e)  There shall be an annual award known as the “Memorial Award for Conservation”, which is made in memory of deceased NFA members.  This award will be presented to an organization emphasizing conservation in the area of enhancement or preservation of the environment and habitat of our northwest fisheries.  The Steering Committee shall nominate organizations for a vote by the adult membership at the October general membership meeting.

    (f) There shall be an annual award known as the ‘Memorial Award for Conservation’. In memory of deceased NFA members, this award will be presented in the minimum amount of $250.00 to an organization emphasizing conservation in the area of enhancement or preservation of the environment and habitat of our northwest fisheries. The Steering Committee shall present nominations for vote at the October General Membership Meeting. The award will be presented to the recipient either in person or by mail prior to April 1 of the following year.

    (f) There shall be an award knows as the Presidential Award.  This award, which can be awarded at the discretion of the president to a member for services rendered to the club and for which the Service Award and Merit Award are not appropriate.  This award is not intended to be made on an annual basis.


    (g) Other awards may be created from time to time upon approval of the membership.

    Paragraph 10.   The Financial Evaluation Committee

    (a) This committee shall be composed of the club Treasurer who last held that office prior to the Treasurer for the period in question and two additional members who have not been an elective officer, committee chair or member of the Financial Evaluation Committee for two years. In the event the predecessor Treasurer is unable or unwilling to serve, a person who has not been an elective officer, committee chair or member of the Financial Evaluation Committee for one year shall fill the position. The committee shall select one of its members as chair.

    (b) The committee shall be appointed by the incoming President, subject to the approval of the incoming Steering Committee, at the first steering committee meeting of the fiscal year.  The committee shall conduct a financial evaluation of the club’s books for the fiscal year just ending.

    June Steering Committee of each year for a financial evaluation of the club’s books for the fiscal year ending on May 31 of the current year. [c] The evaluation shall be done 1) at the least, once every two years, or 2) with the installation of a new Treasurer, or 3) at the discretion of the incoming President. (d) The committee shall conduct its financial evaluation so as to present its report to the Steering Committee at the following September Steering Committee meeting.

    (d) The committee shall conduct is financial evaluation so as to present its report to the Steering Committee.  This report shall be presented at the 4th Steering Committee meeting of the fiscal year.  at the following September Steering Committee meeting.

    (e) The current Treasurer and any other custodian of the club’s records shall make available to the committee the entirety of the club’s financial records for the year being evaluated, including but not limited to the club’s check registers, journal and ledger accounts, summaries and statements, bank statements, deposit books, canceled checks, inventory of assets and their locations, budgets, both proposed and as spent, invoices, bills and receipts vouchers for all expenditures, records of income and payments to the club, prior evaluation and recommendation reports and any tax returns and tax correspondence for the prior year.

    (f) The evaluation shall include a correlation of selected expenditures with a bill, invoice, receipt or other voucher for that payment. Check at least three of the budget categories. Evaluate a selected sample of the club’s income items with related deposit slip and perform such other inquiries as shall seem appropriate to the committee.

    (g) The committee shall utilize a checklist that will permit persons not trained as accountants to conduct the evaluation of the club’s financial condition in an orderly and efficient manner. The committee and Treasurer shall retain a copy of the evaluation report for continuing reference and guidance as to typical income and expense patterns of the club so that future committees may perform their evaluation efficiently.


  • September 24, 2018 12:28 PM
    Reply # 6690313 on 6690267

    SECTION IV.  Special Appointments

    Paragraph 1.

    A Club Historian shall be selected to keep and maintain a record of club activities; including photographs and other pertinent data. Such office shall be a continuing office and vacancies shall be filled as required.

    Paragraph 1 2.

    A Club Librarian shall be selected to keep and maintain library materials. Such office shall be a continuing office and vacancies shall be filled as required.

    Paragraph 2 3.

    A Club Editor shall be appointed (or reappointed) by the incoming President to assume responsibility for publishing and mailing the club newsletter. The specific duties of the editor are outlined In Section VIII, Paragraph I of the Bylaws.


    SECTION V Meetings.

    Paragraph 1.  Regular Club Meetings

    (a) Such meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of each month for the membership as a whole and at a time and place designated by the President after concurrence by the Steering Committee.

    (b) The President with the concurrence of the Steering Committee shall have the authority to change the meeting date and place for the purpose of avoiding conflict with other activities.

    (c) Twenty percent of the voting members must be present at such regular meetings to conduct club business requiring voting.

    Paragraph 2.  Steering Committee Meetings

    (a) Steering Committee meetings shall be held once a month, one at least two weeks prior to the regular club meeting, at a time and place stipulated by the President or designate.

    (b) The President or designate shall have the authority to change the meeting date and place for the purpose of avoiding conflict with other activities.

    Paragraph 3.

    All other committee meetings shall be held at a time and place designated by their chairs.


    SECTION VI.   Finance

    Paragraph 1.  Fiscal Year

    The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31.

    Paragraph 2 1. Annual Dues

    (a)  Annual Dues

    (i) Annual dues for the three different classes of club membership, as defined in Article III, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution, shall be set from time to time as needed by a majority of the voting members at a regular club meeting. The membership classes are: Active, Associate, and Family. i)

    (ii) Members of any class accepted into the club during the second half of the fiscal year shall pay one-half the annual dues.

    (b) There shall be a common initiation fee for all classes of membership set by a majority of voting members at a regular club meeting. The fee should cover first-time expenses attendant upon initiation.

    (c) Annual dues for every class of member are due and payable on the first day of the fiscal year.  A notice of dues payable shall be sent by email to all members and posted on the website published in The Flypaper prior to the first day of the fiscal year.

    (d) Delinquent dues:

    i) Each member of any class who has not made his/her dues payment by the cutoff date established in Section VI, Paragraph 1 (c) of the Bylaws,, which is the last day of the third month of the new fiscal year, shall be dropped from membership.

    ii) A member dropped will be reinstated within the twelve months following the cutoff date upon payment of annual dues plus the current reinstatement fee.

    iii) A member dropped seeking reinstatement later than twelve months following the cutoff date must apply for membership as if a first-time applicant and pay the current initiation fee in addition to annual dues.

    Paragraph 3 2. An Annual Budget

    (a) An annual budget, recommended by the Steering Committee, shall be presented for approval to the membership by the President or a designated representative at the second regular meeting of the fiscal year.

    (b) The annual budget shall be an estimate of income and expenditures for the fiscal year and serve as a guideline for the club’s operation.

    (c) Approval of the budget by the membership authorizes the Steering Committee to dispense such funds in the ways and amounts so stated.

    (d) The membership shall have the authority to amend the approved budget.

    Paragraph 3. Fines, established by the Steering Committee, shall be levied against all members not wearing their name tags at each regular club meeting.


    SECTION VII.   Elections

    Paragraph 1.  Nominations

    (a) The Nominating Committee shall announce its slate of candidates for office at the regular club meeting held one month prior to the meeting at which elections take place.

    (b) Nominations from the floor, if any, shall be made at the meeting which occurs one month prior to the meeting at which elections are held. At that time the chair of the Nominating Committee shall call three times for floor nominations for each office. If there are no further nominations for each office, nominations are declared closed. Any motion to close nominations is out of order.

    (c) A list of all candidates for office will be posted on the website 3 weeks published in The Flypaper immediately prior to the meeting at which elections are held..

    Paragraph 2.   Voting

    (a) The annual election of club officers shall be held at the last regular membership meeting of the fiscal year with the responsibilities of such officers taking effect in the first month of the following fiscal year.

    (b) Election of club officers shall be made by written ballot of members present at the meeting. Should a candidate be unopposed, the chair will ask the Secretary “to cast a unanimous ballot for that office.” (

    c) Balloting for club officers shall be done one office at a time.

    (d) A candidate to office must receive the vote of a majority of the adult members present at the meeting. 

    A majority of active members in attendance is necessary to elect any candidate to office.


    SECTION VIII.   Publications

    Paragraph 1.  Club Newsletter

    (a) There shall be a club newsletter, which shall be titled The Flypaper.  At a minimum the Flypaper shall be published quarterly.  There shall be a monthly club newsletter which shall be titled The Flypaper.

    (b) The editor of The Flypaper shall be named by the President.

    (c) The editor, working in coordination with the website administrator(s), is responsible for publishing on quarterly schedule.

    (c) The editor is responsible for keeping and maintaining a mailing list which contains the names of all current members and other interested parties.

    (d) The editor is responsible for printing and mailing The Flypaper within the allocated budget.  Such mailings shall reach the membership at least three days prior to each regular club meeting.

    (e) The printer used for the publication of The Flypaper must be approved by the Steering Committee.

    Paragraph 2.  Other Publications

    (a) Other published materials under the name of the Northwest Fly Anglers must be approved by the Steering Committee. Examples are: Membership Cards, copies of the Constitution and Bylaws, notices of club activities, etc.

    (b) Editors of other publications shall be appointed by the President. Such editors are responsible for printing and distributing the subject publications.


    SECTION IX.   Bylaws Amendments

    Paragraph 1.  Proposed amendments to the Bylaws may only be made by a voting member at a regularly constituted meeting.

    Paragraph 2.  The membership shall be notified of proposed amendment(s) to the Bylaws both by email and by posting an announcement of the proposed amendments on the club website at least 1 week prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.  The complete text of proposed amendments shall be posted on the club website at the same time as the announcement.  Announcements of proposed amendment(s) to the Bylaws shall be published in The Flypaper no later than the issue immediately preceding the regular meeting at which the amendment(s) shall be voted. The complete text of proposed amendment(s) shall be made available to the membership upon request.

    Paragraph 3.  Members need not be present at a regular club meeting in order to vote on proposed Bylaws amendments.  If unable to attend, a member’s vote on the issue must be received by the Secretary no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting for inclusion in the total vote count.   Approval of proposed amendment(s) to the Bylaws, to become effective, shall require a majority of the voting membership using the “show of hands” method. The Secretary shall record the number of votes for and against and shall include the absentee vote of active members not present at the time of the meeting. (September, 2014)

  • September 25, 2018 2:57 PM
    Reply # 6692772 on 6690267
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    To me there doesn't seem to be any reason to not allow juvenile members to vote. It seems to be an arbitrary rule. You can vote in Washington if you are 18. The rule would not allow Sasha to vote. If a juvenile was to vote, most likely he (or she) would have the advice of their parent.

  • September 25, 2018 9:21 PM
    Reply # 6693183 on 6690267

    Article III, Paragraph 2(b) of the revised constitution which the membership approved last spring states:

    An Active Member enjoys voting privileges.  Family Memberships may be extended to immediate family members living at a common address.  Each family member, 18 and over, may cast one vote.

  • September 25, 2018 9:53 PM
    Reply # 6693189 on 6690267

    A minor point but in Finance 2.1.a  I think the word for should not be eliminated.

    Second what was the reasoning for eliminating the Dawn Holbrook Award?



  • September 25, 2018 10:12 PM
    Reply # 6693202 on 6690267

    Thanks to the committee people for making these modifications for consideration. You are not asking for membership feedback this time, but I'm not going to let that get in my way. At least I can add them here for posterity.  LOL.

    Sec II, Para 4: (re the Secretary duties) Please consider adding to your suggestion "electronic copies of past newsletters 'and steering committee meeting minutes' on the website."

    Sec II, Para 5 (new): (re the Secretary duties) Please consider adding to your suggestion 'The Secretary will provide meeting minutes that include reference to appropriate articles of the By-Laws for actions authorized by the Steering Committee.'

    Sec III, Para 1(b): (re the Steering Committee) Please consider adding to your suggestion 'and expenses that are not budgeted for will be submitted to the membership for popular vote by the members in attendance'.

    Sec III, proposed Para 3(d): (re the Membership Committee) Please consider adding to your suggestion "a directory of the club membership, which will be accessible to (all) members 'using their personal password.'

    Thanks again everyone. Lot of work done by this committee.

  • September 26, 2018 7:33 PM
    Reply # 6694705 on 6690267

    With no objections yet, I'll plug away...

    Sec III, Para 9: This is a sweeping proposal to alter the legacy and history of how the club is rooted. Please consider a more sensitive approach that would require more conversation with the membership. No changes until further conversation is completed would be my hope.

    Done! Thanks again to the committee for their time and effort.

  • September 28, 2018 7:36 PM
    Reply # 6697829 on 6690267
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As background, here are comments from the committee that reviewed the bylaws. This may provide clarification for the proposed changes.


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